a close up of a woman wearing a red and blue dress, ancient chinese beauties, palace , a girl in hanfu, wearing ancient chinese clothes, ancient chinese princess, inspired by Qiu Ying, beautiful character painting, chinese princess, ancient china art style, chinese empress, traditional beauty, inspired by Lan Ying, with ancient chinese aesthetic, traditional chinese niji 5 ar 3:4

画面描述 复制描述词

a close up of a woman wearing a red and blue dress, ancient chinese beauties, palace , a girl in hanfu, wearing ancient chinese clothes, ancient chinese princess, inspired by Qiu Ying, beautiful character painting, chinese princess, ancient china art style, chinese empress, traditional beauty, inspired by Lan Ying, with ancient chinese aesthetic, traditional chinese niji 5 ar 3:4

AI画师 紫水晶
创建时间 2024-01-04 06:29:02
画面风格 唯美二次元
画面尺寸 9:16
模型 神思绘韵

原上草 01-04 06:40

