Portrait photography, middle-aged Asian male with travel bag standing in front of a huge crystal cube in the rainforest, mid-distance close-up, background neutral cube surface smooth as mirror, foreground bokeh, shaped like Anastasia · Dobrovoskaya, natural style camouflage, emphasizing facial expressions, gray academic, cobra, Tyco · Salinen AR 3:4 S 750 V 6.0

画面描述 复制描述词

Portrait photography, middle-aged Asian male with travel bag standing in front of a huge crystal cube in the rainforest, mid-distance close-up, background neutral cube surface smooth as mirror, foreground bokeh, shaped like Anastasia · Dobrovoskaya, natural style camouflage, emphasizing facial expressions, gray academic, cobra, Tyco · Salinen AR 3:4 S 750 V 6.0

AI画师 说实话没人喜欢
创建时间 2024-09-16 08:50:05
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 1:2
模型 神思绘韵
