Ming Dynasty warrior,black,wearing a huge Darth Vadar helmat on his head, attack pose, with eyes leaking out, facing the side, realistic super detail rendering style, orange and blue, China, clean dark grey background, brush, super realistic oil, head close-up, super close-up, exaggerated perspective, contour shadow, mother of pearl rainbow, holographic white, realistic, niji5 style expressive ar 70:99 s 750 niji 5

画面描述 复制描述词

Ming Dynasty warrior,black,wearing a huge Darth Vadar helmat on his head, attack pose, with eyes leaking out, facing the side, realistic super detail rendering style, orange and blue, China, clean dark grey background, brush, super realistic oil, head close-up, super close-up, exaggerated perspective, contour shadow, mother of pearl rainbow, holographic white, realistic, niji5 style expressive ar 70:99 s 750 niji 5

AI画师 jim
创建时间 2024-01-21 01:36:05
画面风格 超真实
画面尺寸 1:1
模型 神思绘韵

毕加索大师 01-23 10:06



Tan 01-21 23:57
