Shadow puppetry, an ancient and charming art form, attracts countless audiences with its unique shapes and smart performances. In the world of shadow puppets, you can see a variety of different characters and animals, each with a different personality and story.#shadowplay#intangibleheritageshadowplay#shadowplayart#traditional crafts#中文繁CRAFT#heritage#Chinesetraditionalculture#chinaintangibleheritage#intangible heritage in China#国风#新年#happy new year#iqiyuAI@Art Potato@小红书视频Number

画面描述 复制描述词

Shadow puppetry, an ancient and charming art form, attracts countless audiences with its unique shapes and smart performances. In the world of shadow puppets, you can see a variety of different characters and animals, each with a different personality and story.#shadowplay#intangibleheritageshadowplay#shadowplayart#traditional crafts#中文繁CRAFT#heritage#Chinesetraditionalculture#chinaintangibleheritage#intangible heritage in China#国风#新年#happy new year#iqiyuAI@Art Potato@小红书视频Number

AI画师 baolin
创建时间 2024-01-14 17:56:20
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 4:3
模型 神思绘韵

sacharlene 09-23 20:08
