Spring scenery illustration with green mountains and water in the background, swallows flying above small houses on the shore of a flowing river, green willow trees, traditional Chinese ink painting style,rainy, colorful cartoon characters, colorful ink dots, flat composition, black border, pure white space at the top, pure black sky at the bottom, ultra high definition resolution, best quality ar 9:16 stylize 250 v 6.0#画画的日常 #人工智能艺术 #我和AI有话说 #生成艺术 #AI生成 #midjourney咒语 #Midjourney咒语 #midjourney #midjourney学习

画面描述 复制描述词

Spring scenery illustration with green mountains and water in the background, swallows flying above small houses on the shore of a flowing river, green willow trees, traditional Chinese ink painting style,rainy, colorful cartoon characters, colorful ink dots, flat composition, black border, pure white space at the top, pure black sky at the bottom, ultra high definition resolution, best quality ar 9:16 stylize 250 v 6.0#画画的日常 #人工智能艺术 #我和AI有话说 #生成艺术 #AI生成 #midjourney咒语 #Midjourney咒语 #midjourney #midjourney学习

AI画师 baolin
创建时间 2024-04-16 08:05:06
画面风格 默认
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵

星姐 04-19 13:34

