The text " It is not the time that we see hope to persist,only we persist that we can see the hope . " is written on a green leaf with red Chinese knot . The background color is white , and the leaves are made from Chinese bamboo fabric. The texture appears to be hand-cut. The overall style is simple, flat, minimalist, and cartoon-like, reminiscent of Pixar's aesthetic. It is a 3D rendering.

画面描述 复制描述词

The text " It is not the time that we see hope to persist,only we persist that we can see the hope . " is written on a green leaf with red Chinese knot . The background color is white , and the leaves are made from Chinese bamboo fabric. The texture appears to be hand-cut. The overall style is simple, flat, minimalist, and cartoon-like, reminiscent of Pixar's aesthetic. It is a 3D rendering.

AI画师 向阳而生
创建时间 2024-08-28 00:23:53
画面风格 剪纸风
画面尺寸 4:3
模型 神思绘韵
