我听见鸣沙回响,月牙泉涌。众生喧器,驼铃悠扬。玉门关外风声喑哑,魔鬼城中怪石哭号,像古老战场的金戈铁马仍在浴血厮杀,沉枪折戟发出不屈的铮鸣。坚不可摧的长城如今也要败在岁月的手下,只剩残存的遗迹在这里沉默千年。 A beautiful girl is surrounded by many fairyland fairies , with their hands raised and blowing fireflies in the air . The background of an ancient palace painting has many floating figures surrounding her . It features vibrant colors , meticulous brushwork , ink wash style , Chinese - style characters , complex details , rich layers , gorgeous effects , mysterious atmosphere , fantastical scenery , and f

画面描述 复制描述词

我听见鸣沙回响,月牙泉涌。众生喧器,驼铃悠扬。玉门关外风声喑哑,魔鬼城中怪石哭号,像古老战场的金戈铁马仍在浴血厮杀,沉枪折戟发出不屈的铮鸣。坚不可摧的长城如今也要败在岁月的手下,只剩残存的遗迹在这里沉默千年。 A beautiful girl is surrounded by many fairyland fairies , with their hands raised and blowing fireflies in the air . The background of an ancient palace painting has many floating figures surrounding her . It features vibrant colors , meticulous brushwork , ink wash style , Chinese - style characters , complex details , rich layers , gorgeous effects , mysterious atmosphere , fantastical scenery , and f

AI画师 向阳而生
创建时间 2024-09-26 01:00:01
画面风格 表情包
画面尺寸 4:3
模型 神思绘韵
