Bring the excitement of the future to life with a stunning digital art piece featuring a manga-style space girl. Draw inspiration from the iconic work of Naoko Takeuchi to infuse the piece with dynamic energy and style. Use bright, vibrant colors with pops of neon to create a sense of otherworldly magic, and incorporate shades of pink, purple, and blue with accents of neon green and yellow to make the piece truly pop. Render the girl in a fisheye lens to emphasize her dynamic form and bring the viewer right

画面描述 复制描述词

Bring the excitement of the future to life with a stunning digital art piece featuring a manga-style space girl. Draw inspiration from the iconic work of Naoko Takeuchi to infuse the piece with dynamic energy and style. Use bright, vibrant colors with pops of neon to create a sense of otherworldly magic, and incorporate shades of pink, purple, and blue with accents of neon green and yellow to make the piece truly pop. Render the girl in a fisheye lens to emphasize her dynamic form and bring the viewer right

创建时间 2024-03-29 22:47:24
画面风格 动漫-写实
画面尺寸 9:16
模型 神思绘韵
