This is an open book with the pages carved into mountain shapes. (一本打开的书,书页被雕刻成山)Characters are written on them. (上面写着字符)The white paper background color creates a sense of depth in space.(白色的纸张营造出空间的深度感)There is a man walking up to these mountains from the bottom left corner, creating three-dimensional effects.(一个人从左下角走到山上,产生了三维效果)

画面描述 复制描述词

This is an open book with the pages carved into mountain shapes. (一本打开的书,书页被雕刻成山)Characters are written on them. (上面写着字符)The white paper background color creates a sense of depth in space.(白色的纸张营造出空间的深度感)There is a man walking up to these mountains from the bottom left corner, creating three-dimensional effects.(一个人从左下角走到山上,产生了三维效果)

AI画师 维辰乐佳
创建时间 2024-06-05 15:30:13
画面风格 精致传统
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵

Frya 06-21 08:17

