光芒万丈,宏伟壮观的元始天尊屹立于云中,庄严肃穆的面容散发出慈悲与智慧。长袍飘逸,流云般的白色衣裳在风中飞舞,绕过他优雅的身躯。一双深邃的眸子透过云雾,仿若可以洞察一切的内心世界。他手持金光闪耀的宝珠,寓意着无尽的力量和创造的能力。身后的瑞兽舞动,象征着祥瑞与守护。元始天尊所站立的云峰上,漫步的白鹤留下了绚丽的彩虹痕迹,添增了画面的诗意与神秘。白鹤童子,A glowing neon white line art crane head design on black background, hyper-detailed, fantasy style, vector illustration, digital art, purple lines, blue glow effect, digital artwork, highly detailed, glowing effects, dark color backgrounds, beautiful, high resolution, sharp focus, high contrast, high dynamic light and shadow, cool l

画面描述 复制描述词

光芒万丈,宏伟壮观的元始天尊屹立于云中,庄严肃穆的面容散发出慈悲与智慧。长袍飘逸,流云般的白色衣裳在风中飞舞,绕过他优雅的身躯。一双深邃的眸子透过云雾,仿若可以洞察一切的内心世界。他手持金光闪耀的宝珠,寓意着无尽的力量和创造的能力。身后的瑞兽舞动,象征着祥瑞与守护。元始天尊所站立的云峰上,漫步的白鹤留下了绚丽的彩虹痕迹,添增了画面的诗意与神秘。白鹤童子,A glowing neon white line art crane head design on black background, hyper-detailed, fantasy style, vector illustration, digital art, purple lines, blue glow effect, digital artwork, highly detailed, glowing effects, dark color backgrounds, beautiful, high resolution, sharp focus, high contrast, high dynamic light and shadow, cool l

AI画师 向阳而生
创建时间 2024-07-07 10:59:59
画面风格 动漫-写实
画面尺寸 3:4
模型 神思绘韵
